Gourmet Live and the Ultimate Pizza Taste Test
I am so thrilled to tell you all I have been asked to be a Gourmet Live Socialvore! What is a socialvore you ask? Gourmet Live, the online offshoot of the former magazine, has handpicked a great group of food enthusiasts to join them on their culinary adventures. I’ll be contributing to the Gourmet Live blog on an ongoing basis and sharing a lot of their great work with you right here on The Naptime Chef. On Friday we kicked things off by including my recipe and photograph for Orange Blossom & Almond French Toast in their Mother’s Day recipe round-up. How fun!
When I scrolling throw the Gourmet Live website the other day I read a great article about this fun pizza taste test and want to share it with you. In fact, my friends at Gourmet Live even wrote a guest post for Babble’s The Family Kitchen all about the taste test experience and I suggest you check it out, it is adorable!