Naptime Lifestyle: Everyday Favorites for Everyday Life

December 2021 Update!

It’s been a busy two years but I wanted to stop in and say hello!

Spring Cookbook Chat The Naptime Chef

Spring Cookbook Chat with Kelsey!

Hello! I’ve been popping into The Naptime Chef Facebook page a lot recently to say Hi in person. This is all new to me because Facebook LIVE didn’t exist when I first started this page way back when. I know, I know, I sound super old when I say that. Anyway, I really just love the more personal interaction with all of you. I’ve been having fun getting into video again and this is a great way to do it without being crazy formal!

The Home Edit Book Signing

The Home Edit with Clea & Joanna!

We are stretching boundaries of Cookbook Club this month for an interview with Clea and Joanna of The Home Edit: A Guide to Organizing and Realizing Your House Goals. I LOVE this book for sooo many reasons – it speaks directly to my organized Virgo heart! To be honest my favorite sections are the pantry and cookbook shelves sections because they obviously are incredibly relevant to me, but I swear this whole volume is amazing and is worth adding to your collection.

Cooking with Scraps by Lindsay-Jean Hard + Giveaway

When I first was given Cooking with Scraps: Turn Your Peels, Cores, Rinds, and Stems into Delicious Meals by Lindsay-Jean Hard, I’ll admit that I was skeptical. I like to think I’m good about not wasting too many food scraps. But did I want to start making banana bread with the peels? It turns out, YES! After making a couple of recipes and given this a thorough read through I can honestly say this is a wonderful book for even the most unsure. I promise, it really is about using those scraps we all find ourselves hold after a good vegetable chopping session. Things like beet greens, banana peels, apple cores and more are simply reused to flavorful results.

The Naptime Chef Gift Guide for Moms 2018

10 Faves: Gifts for Moms 2018

Gift Guides for Moms 2018

The Naptime Chef Gift Guide for Friends 2018

10 Faves: Gifts for Best Friends 2018

10 Faves: Gifts for Best Friends 2018

Naptime Chef Gift Guides

10 Faves: Gifts for Kids 2018

Give 5 Year Olds: The BEST cozy sweatshirt for winter. Timelines of Everything, because curious kindergarteners want to know! Yummy candy to remind them of summer. Construction and demolition all in one game, need I say more? Emoji punching balloons for hours of fun. Gifts for 10 years +: A super cool portable speaker that […]

5 Tips for Beating Holiday Stress | The Naptime Chef

5 Easy Tips for Relieving Holiday Stress

Halloween is ovah and it’s time for the real holiday season to kick into high gear! For most of us busy parents that very sentence strikes mild panic into our hearts. Are we really read for hosting relatives/decorating/wrapping/socializing and the like? How on Earth will be handle it all? Don’t get me wrong, I love and adore the holiday season, but it is definitely not the most laid-back time of the year.

Everyday Dorie

The 2018 Cookbook Gift Guide

Here is an ongoing list of our Cookbook Gift Guide for 2018…check back for editions all fall!

The Mom 100 | The Naptime Chef

3 Food Blogging Questions with Katie Workman

It’s been so much fun having Katie Workman as one of our fall features for Cookbook Club! Today Kelsey & Katie settled in for a little chat about food blogging and all that it entails!

The New (& Exciting) State of the Blog + Life Coaching

Friends! It’s once again been a long time since I’ve written and there are many reasons why. My kids are getting older and we’ve been running around like crazy getting them settled in school, spending time in Cooperstown and Maine, and more. Also, truthfully, for the past year or so I’ve been struggling with where to take this blog next. My kids don’t nap anymore, but I still love to cook, I’ve launched a new newsletter, and have been working with outside consulting clients too. It’s been up and down, there have been easy days and some very hard ones.

Menud Partnership

All about Menud

Late last spring I was thrilled to enter into a partnership with the fantastic meal planning app, Menud (pronounced Men-you’d). If you haven’t had a chance to check it out yet I highly recommend downloading it. It’s completely free! It is designed to be a one stop meal planning app where influencers like myself provide our recipes at no cost, and you can add them to your meal calendar for the the month AND create a shopping list at the same time.