Martha Stewart Living Radio & A Welcome!
Just a reminder that today I’ll be on Martha Stewart Living Radio being interviewed by Brian Kelsey at 3:00pm ET. You can tune in on Serious 112 or XM 157. To listen you can sign up here for a 7-Day free trial on Sirius Radio and listen straight from your computer!
If you are just finding this site after listening to the show let me give you a quick introduction to The Naptime Chef!
* You can always browse my recipes and recipe categories on my Recipe Index Page.
* I send out a really fun weekly newsletter and you can sign up in the upper left hand corner or by SUBSCRIBE HERE. I often do special giveaways and exclusive previews for subscribers and never, ever sell my list!
* I have a really fun Facebook Fanpage.
* I am active (maybe too active?) on Twitter and here is where to follow me: @TheNaptimeChef
* I post webisodes for my made-at-home cooking show 2 to 3 times per month, here is my Cooking Show Channel on MEVIO.
* I write a fun daily column on Babble’s The Family Kitchen if you want more Naptime Chef recipes.
* My first cookbook, The Naptime Chef: Fitting Great Food Into Family Life is being released in Spring 2012 by Running Press
* I recently co-hosted a cool online cooking class about Picky Eaters and you can find the show summary here. I really believe that all parents can still cook and eat great food even with kids in the house. In short, we all can be naptime chefs, so come join in the fun! As always, contact me with questions, thoughts or concerns! Welcome!