April 21, 2009

Soyaki Chicken Thighs {Powernap}

It’s time for some Soyaki Chicken Thighs! I don’t know what is worse, caring for a sick child when you are healthy, or being sick and trying to entertain a healthy child. Based on a recent personal experience, I would argue that the latter is far more difficult. As parents we are all aware that winter is known as “cold season” because germs run riot through every indoor play-space, library and public arena in the greater New York area. The only way to avoid these germs completely would be to live in total seclusion for four months which is, obviously, not an option. When spring arrived last month I wrongly assumed that “cold season” was over, my daughter hadn’t had a cold in weeks and I was feeling very proud that I had avoided a bad cold all winter. Suffused with confidence I began to let my guard down, neglecting to wash my hands after toddler gym-class and not replacing the bottle of hand sanitizer for my purse. These were moves, it turns out, I would later regret.

I now know that germs do not depart the northeast upon the arrival of spring weather. I learned this the hard way when I recently woke up very sick and my daughter seemed to be completely healthy. It was a startling reversal of roles, I had to care for myself while protecting my daughter from contracting my germs, not the other way around. All I wanted to do was spend the day in bed, however, all my daughter wanted to do was spend the day playing with her friends. So, armed with tissues, Tylenol and lemon tea I staggered through our daily routine, keeping my distance from other people while silently berating myself for not being more careful. Naturally, while I was sniveling away at the playground, the last thing on my mind was what I was going to make for dinner. Thankfully, when I was about to break down and extract a take-out menu from the drawer I experienced a moment of clarity, this was the perfect occasion for an emergency meal.

Of all the emergency meals I keep up my sleeve, this one, Soyaki Chicken Thighs, is the easiest. It is a simple and satisfying chicken bake made with two ingredients which I always have in my kitchen, chicken thighs from the freezer and marinade from the pantry. Like all good emergency meals it is simultaneously uncomplicated to prepare and delicious to eat. Preparing this during naptime is breeze, barely requiring any effort on the part of the preparer. I simply season the chicken thighs, place them in baking dish, pour the marinade over and let them sit for the remainder of the afternoon. At dinnertime I slip the dish in the oven to bake, prepare my side dishes, and wait for the oven timer to ring.

I love this dish because chicken thighs are incredibly moist and tasty, perfect for absorbing the flavors of the marinade. I also find that chicken thighs hold up better than chicken breasts when they are baked, they stay juicy and tender instead of getting tough and dry. As noted in the recipe my marinade of preference is Trader Joe’s Island Soyaki. It makes the chicken taste almost identical to the sesame chicken served at our local chinese restaurant, only less greasy and more flavorful. (In fact, the chef at the chinese restaurant really should consider using Island Soyaki, it would probably improve their dish.) If you don’t have access to this sauce I would recommended substituting it with Soy Vay Teriyaki Sauce, which is readily available in most grocery stores nationwide. I don’t want to make any bold claims like this dish was responsible for my recovery, however, I am not going to dismiss the idea, either. After all, by the time I woke up the next morning I was already feeling much better.

Soyaki Chicken Thighs

An easy recipe for soyaki chicken thighs that takes 2 minutes to pull together!
Course Main Course


  • 6 boneless, skinless chicken thighs
  • 8 ounces Soyaki or Soy Vey, or similar
  • Salt and Pepper


  • Remove chicken thighs from package, trim fat, rinse with water and pat dry.
  • Sprinkle chicken with salt and pepper and place in large baking dish. Pour the marinade over the chicken, swirling it around with your hands to make the chicken is entirely coated and mostly covered.
  • Let the chicken sit in the refrigerator for at least two hours.
  • Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Bake the chicken at 375 for 45-50 minutes, or until chicken is cooked through. Serve hot.



11 Responses to “Soyaki Chicken Thighs {Powernap}”

  1. Jackie says:

    HiWhat is the maximum amount of time that you can marinate the chicken thighs.

  2. Jackie says:


    What is the maximum amount of time that you can marinate the chicken thighs.

  3. Kelsey says:

    Hi Jackie! You can marinate them for up to 12 hours! Best, Kelsey

  4. Kelsey says:

    Hi Jackie! You can marinate them for up to 12 hours! Best, Kelsey

  5. CR says:

    Hi Kelsey,I am a huge fan of Island Soyaki since I found it a couple months ago and was wondering how other people use it when baking chicken. Thanks for the twelve hour tip, I was wonding how long I should marinade a whole chicken without injecting it (because Island soyaki is so potent) and twelve hours sounds good.Thank You

  6. CR says:

    Hi Kelsey,

    I am a huge fan of Island Soyaki since I found it a couple months ago and was wondering how other people use it when baking chicken. Thanks for the twelve hour tip, I was wonding how long I should marinade a whole chicken without injecting it (because Island soyaki is so potent) and twelve hours sounds good.

    Thank You

  7. Kelsey says:

    Hi CR, I think that you should marinate it for at least 4 hours if you are roasting a whole chicken, to make sure it has enough time to marinate!

  8. Kelsey says:

    Hi CR, I think that you should marinate it for at least 4 hours if you are roasting a whole chicken, to make sure it has enough time to marinate!

  9. […] Menu: Soyaki Chicken Thighs, jasmine rice, […]

  10. Amy says:

    Thanks for your recipe….. I never ever made chicken thighs before and am actually sick with a cold right now but cause I loved the idea of Soyaki… I bought it and cooked it with your directions and it was scrumptious! Thanks!

  11. […] been working on my baked chicken recipes since it seems that there are a never enough and, generally, my children like them. Since I am […]