Super Duper Birthday Week Celebration & Challenge {Naptime Everyday}
It is birthday week here on The Naptime Chef!
I am a huge fan of birthday celebrations. It is not that I am interested in shouting my age from the roof top, I just like festivities centered around celebrating a special person in your life. Essentially any kind of birthday party should be a fun celebration no matter if you are a kid or adult!
So, this week I am challenging you to plan a birthday celebration for a family member or friend. It can be something small – like bringing cookies to them, or sending them a sweet special note – or something large, like baking a huge cake and planning a blowout party. If you don’t have any birthdays to celebrate this week plan something for a friend in the future and share what you are going to do. Whatever it is, we want to hear how you do it!
To keep this challenge fun I encourage you post pictures of your birthday gesture or tell us of your plans on Twitter (tag @TheNaptimeChef) or by tagging The Naptime Chef Facebook fanpage. If you do this, you’ll get extra enterie to win my Better-Than-Oprah Favorite Things Birthday Giveaway! {official rules below} and will also benefit from your ideas. I also hope you’ll join my group Pinterest Board Titled “Project #2: Birthday Celebrations” and pin up some of your favorite birthday things!
If you want to become one of my official blogging sponsors write a post about your favorite birthday recipe and link to this post on your blog. I’ll include a list of sponsors in my daily posts as well as in my weekly newsletter. Last but not least, check out the official rules below and tune back in here every day this week. Yes, I’ll be posting EVERY DAY and you don’t want to miss a single thing. Happy Birthday!
Rules for Birthday Week Favorite Things Giveaway:
1. Leave a comment sharing a tidbit about your favorite birthday celebration.
2. Subscribe to The Naptime Chef newsletter (upper right hand corner) – I’ll check!
3. Become a fan of The Naptime Chef on Facebook
4. Extra Entry: Share the link to this post with your friends on Facebook and link to @TheNaptimeChef Facebook fanpage
5. Extra Entry: Tweet about this giveaway on Twitter and link to hashtag @TheNaptimeChef
6. Extra Entry: Follow me on Stumbleupon and stumble this entry by clicking the green thumbs up
7. 6 Extra Entries: Write a blog post between now and next Thursday September 22nd about how you celebrate birthdays in your family and include a recipe for a favorite birthday cake or birthday dish and tell your readers about this post with a link back to it. You will be listed in the post next Friday September 23rd as an official sponsor.
8. Contest will run from September 15th at 7:00am through Saturday, September 24th at 7:00am. Winner will be announced on Sunday September 25th at 7:00am. If the winner does not respond within 48 hours a new winner will be drawn. Winner be selected by
9. Giveaway items can only be mailed within the continental US.
*Giveaway items generously donated by Andrews McMeel, OXO Good Grips and JMcLaughlin.