Naptime Simple Tips: Fun & Essential Tips for Your Kitchen


Naptime Cooking For New Parents {Naptime Simple Tips}

My sweet neighbor just had a beautiful new baby and I am planning to cook a few meals for her as soon as her mother-in-law leaves. It’s not that I don’t want to feed her mother-in-law, it is just that I want to wait until all of her help has departed so I can swoop in when she really needs an extra hand. I’ve cooked for many of my friends after they’ve had babies and I find that around the four week mark, once the helping hands have gone home, that they need a warm meal and some extra TLC.

Lake Otsego

Naptime Chef Work/Life/Kid Balance {Naptime Simple Tips}

I work pretty much every day of the week. I try to take at least one day a week off, but that rarely happens. Weekday mornings are dedicated to my daughter. I am usually focused on getting out of the house to her morning activity and to the gym so I can work out. In the early afternoons she naps, goes to school, or has quiet time in her room with books, and I consider that the start to my workday.


The Frozen Candy Bar Taste Test {Naptime Simple Tips}

A few weeks ago I asked people on my Facebook fanpage to share which candy bar they like to eat frozen. I was astounded at the response. I always thought I was a little weird for freezing candy bars, but it turns out you all like frozen candy bars as much as I do! I […]


Naptime Favorite Things – August 2011 {Naptime Simple Tips}

I am spending some time in Cooperstown with my family right now and am enjoying the break from my normal routine. Vacation has proved positively exhausting for my daughter and while she takes her daily nap I’ve been cooking all sorts of fabulous summer foods with my parent’s. Stay tuned, I will be sharing some […]

Summer Sandwich

Summer Meals to Go & My Favorite Summer Sandwich {Webisode #62}

With all that has been going on webisodes were put on the back burner for a while. I love doing them, but they take a lot more time than a regular post. Since my last webisode I’ve traveled to Atlanta, Vermont, Cooperstown (twice) and Martha’s Vineyard (twice). More often than not, these travels have been […]

Grilling Meat & Veggies

Naptime Summer Grilling Food & Tips {Naptime Simple Tips}

It is officially grilling season. Some would argue it started last month, but the weather in the northeast doesn’t really perk-up until July which is when summer really begins in my world. To get you started with your grilling this season here are some of my basic grilling tips along with some awesome grilling recipes. […]


Belgian Beer Week! Choosing the Best Belgian Beers for Summer {Naptime Simple Tips}

Two years ago I wrote about summer 1997 and my first internship ever working at Vanberg & DeWulf, the Belgian beer importing business in Cooperstown, NY. During that summer I worked closely with Wendy Littlefield and Don Feinberg learning about all aspects of the beverage business. Amidst the flurry of office activity I also learned […]

Favorite Things

Favorite Things June 2011 {Naptime Simple Tips}

Every so often I like to take a break from recipes to share some of the things I’ve been enjoying on the web recently. These are sites and products, both food related and otherwise, that have been catching my eye and I think you might enjoy as well. Have a great weekend, I’ll be back […]

Blueberries & Peaches

Cooking & Baking with Summer Fruits {Naptime Simple Tips}

I love to incorporate fresh seasonal fruit into just about everything I serve in the summer. In the Northeast our season for cherries, berries, peaches, apricots and plums is quite short it is necessary to get while the gettin’ is good. Our weekly farmer’s market opens in June and on every single visit I come […]


Celebrating Picnic Season {Naptime Simple Tips}

Picnic season is finally here and I, for one, couldn’t be happier. We love taking our meals from home “to-go” in the warmer weather. Our sandwiches always seem to taste a little bit better in the fresh, salty beach air. Lunches beneath the oak trees at the playground have an enjoyable, relaxed vibe and we […]


The Spring Baby Shower {Naptime Simple Tips}

  Last weekend my Mom and I hosted a baby shower for my friend Meghan who is expecting her first baby this summer. I have thrown a lot of baby showers in recent years — it was bridal showers before that! — and have learned a thing or two in doing so. Celebrating the impending […]


Mother’s Day Breakfast(s) in Bed {Naptime Simple Tips}

I know it seems a little ironic that I, the mother, and giving you tips on how to celebrate Mother’s Day. But, I figure that either a) you reading this are not a mother and need ideas for the mother in your life, b) you need to give directions to your spouse or partner on […]